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Patient Screening and Management

To mitigate contracting and spreading of COVID-19 a novel coronavirus that is now endemic to the United States Mental Health Baltimore, LLC and staff will:

  • Limit and monitor points of entry to the office
  • Screen and triage all clients, patients, residents, delivery people, visitors, and other non-employees entering the setting for symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Implement other applicable patient management strategies in accordance with the CDC’s “COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations”; and
  • Encourage the use of telepsychiatry services where available and appropriate to limit the number of people entering the office
  • limiting visitors to only those essential for the patient’s physical or emotional well-being and care
  • Restricting visitors to the patient’s room or other designated areas, asking patients to remain outside (if possible) until they are called into the facility for their appointment, etc.